
Linda Garbutt, Chairwoman
Barry Gower, Secretary
Brian Pickering, Treasurer
Councillor Katie Corrigan
Len Shield
Alice Severs
Michael Stoker
George Barber

  1. Apologies for absence: Councillor Liz Brown, David Wilkinson.
  2. The Chairwoman, Linda, welcomed everyone to the meeting. She asked that the Group's best wishes be sent to David, who was unable to attend because of medical difficulties. Members of the Group wished to place on record their thanks to David for his help to the Group over many years when he had managed the Group’s website so effectively.
  3. The minutes of the last AGM, on 8 May 2019, were accepted as a correct record.
  4. The meeting formally approved the revised Constitution for the Group. It is now posted on the Group's new website.
  5. The report of the Group's activities since the last AGM, prepared by the Secretary, was received. It will be posted on the Group's website. Michael expressed appreciation for this summary of the Group's work over the last two years.
  6. The Treasurer, Brian, provided a verbal report. At the last AGM there was £1056. Funds were successfully sought to help with the costs of setting up and maintaining a new website, which added £792 to the Group's account. Expenditure, chiefly on setting up and maintaining the website has been £742, and the Group's currently has just over £1201 in its account. Brian expects further expenditure on the website this year to be approximately £400, and there will be a further application for funds to help with this.
  7. Election of 'officers' of the Group: Following the receipt of seconded nominations, and with the consent of the nominees, the meeting re-elected to serve for 2021-2022:
    Chairwoman: Linda Garbutt
    Vice-Chairwoman: Councillor Katie Corrigan
    Secretary: Barry Gower
    Treasurer: Brian Pickering.
  8. For the time being, meetings of the Group will have to take place virtually, via the 'zoom' facility, on the following dates: 12 May 2021, 14 July 2021, 8 September 2021, 10 November 2021, 12 January 2022, 9 March 2022.